About Us
Quilting is my passion. I have always enjoyed sewing and other crafts. But, when I started quilting, I knew it was something very special.
My family is supportive and patient with my fabric obsession. We have two beautiful daughters. When my older daughter went off to college, she asked for pillows to match the quilt that I made for her high school graduation. While I was creating the pillows in a drop-in quilting class, a friend in the design business suggested we turn the pillows into a pattern. Those pillows started a new career for me.
I love the creativity of design. My inspiration comes from my surroundings, especially when I am outdoors. Birds, trees and flowers all make their way into my designs. Nature is graceful and I strive to incorporate that gracefulness into my stitching.
My favorite designs combine piecing and applique. I use the starch method of applique but my patterns are suitable for all types of applique including fusible. Hand stitching is a great way to relax and unwind. If I don't have some hand work to do in the evenings, I feel like something is missing from my day.
My studio isn't fancy, but it suits me perfectly. It's actually my living and dining room with lots of windows that look out on the valley. Gazing out the windows inspires me every day. My favorite sewing machine for everyday stitching is my Pfaff 2058. I also keep a small Janome in my car for taking to class.
I love to teach! There's nothing better than showing someone who has been afraid to applique how easy it can be. Their success gives me great joy. I teach often in the San Francisco Bay area and travel outside the area whenever my schedule allows.
My older daughter is now an environmental engineer/hydrologist living and working in San Diego. My younger daughter recently graduated from college and is a mathematics teacher for Teach for America in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. I hope that someday they will both enjoy quilting as much as I do.
I also have two boys—Luke, a Yorkie/Maltese mix, and Gus, a Golden Retriever. Luke is the alpha dog. He thinks he's a big dog!
Thank you for visiting our website. I hope it inspires you to try one of our patterns and that you make a beautiful quilt for yourself or a loved one. |